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  • Phone: (620) 331-0260

  • Fax: (620) 331-3495

  • Address: 1501 North 10th ST, Independence, Kansas 67301

Ash Youth Center

Current Work Schedule (September 16-22, 2024)

Monday, September 16th
Ash Youth Center ARCO Sports Complex
5:00-9:00pm Supervisor Mike Bromley 5:00-8:30pm Supervisor Nick McBride & Cain Carpenter
  5:00-8:30pm Concessions Lily Sandon & Jayden Kiister
  Emerson Field - Right Field West
  6:00pm PW Flag Football Officials Cain Carpenter & Brett Shields
  6:45pm PW Flag Football Officials Cain Carpenter & Brett Shields
  7:30pm PW Flag Football Officials Cain Carpenter & Brett Shields
  Emerson Field - 1st Base Field
  6:00pm Itty Bitty Soccer Official Bella Etter
  6:30pm Itty Bitty Soccer Official Bella Etter
  7:00pm Itty Bitty Soccer Official Bella Etter
  Emerson Field - 3rd Base Field
  6:00pm Itty Bitty Soccer Official Kaylie Stanek
  6:30pm Itty Bitty Soccer Official Kaylie Stanek
  7:00pm Itty Bitty Soccer Official Kaylie Stanek
  Emerson Field - Left Field
  5:30pm JV Soccer Officials JR Rutledge & Levi Dillon
  6:30pm Varsity Soccer Officials JR Rutledge & Easton Morris
        7:30pm Varsity Soccer Officials JR Rutledge & Easton Morris
Tuesday, September 17th
Ash Youth Center ARCO Sports Complex
5:00-9:00pm Supervisor Eugene Barker 5:30-8:00pm Supervisor Micah Dozier
5:30-8:30pm Concessions Lily Phillippi 5:30-8:00pm Concessions Kamden Pearson
Ash Youth Center Gym Emerson Field - Right Field East
6:00pm Junior Volleyball Official Sydnee Jackson 6:00pm PeeWee Soccer Officials Hayden Smith & Reece Giles
6:45pm Senior Volleyball Official Sydnee Jackson 6:45pm PeeWee Soccer Officials Hayden Smith & Reece Giles
7:30pm Senior Volleyball Official Sydnee Jackson Emerson Field - Left Field
  6:00pm JV Soccer Officials Easton Morris & Levi Dillon
  7:00pm JV Soccer Officials Easton Morris & Levi Dillon
  Volunteer Field
        6:00pm Buddy Ball Gloria Price & ICC Softball Team
Wednesday, September 18th
Ash Youth Center ARCO Sports Complex
5:00-9:00pm Supervisor Eugene Barker 5:00-8:30pm Supervisor Cain Carpenter & Micah Dozier
  5:00-8:30pm Concessions Lily Sandon & Khloe Ratzlaff
  Emerson Field - Right Field West
  6:00pm PW Flag Football Officials Cain Carpenter & Brett Shields
  6:45pm PW Flag Football Officials Cain Carpenter & Brett Shields
  7:30pm PW Flag Football Officials Cain Carpenter & Brett Shields
  Emerson Field - 1st Base Field
  6:00pm Itty Bitty Soccer Official Bella Etter
  6:30pm Itty Bitty Soccer Official Bella Etter
  7:00pm Itty Bitty Soccer Official Bella Etter
  Emerson Field - 3rd Base Field
  6:00pm Itty Bitty Soccer Official Sam Knapp
  6:30pm Itty Bitty Soccer Official Sam Knapp
  Emerson Field - Left Field
  6:00pm JV Soccer Officials Easton Morris & Zachary Scott
        7:00pm Varsity Soccer Officials Easton Morris & Zachary Scott
Thursday, September 19th
Ash Youth Center  
5:00-9:00pm Supervisor Mike Bromley  
5:30-9:00pm Concessions Kamden Pearson  
Ash Youth Center Gym  
6:00pm Junior Volleyball Official Micah Dozier  
6:45pm Senior Volleyball Official Micah Dozier  
7:30pm Senior Volleyball Official Micah Dozier  
8:15pm Senior Volleyball Official Micah Dozier        
Friday, September 20th
Ash Youth Center
Saturday, September 21st
Ash Youth Center ARCO Sports Complex
1:00-9:00pm Supervisor Cain Carpenter 8am-12:30pm Supervisor Dominique Mendoza
1:00-5:00pm Lifeguards Kaylee Woollard & Mia Cope 8am-12:30pm Concessions Lucas Frederiksen
  Emerson Field - Right Field East
  10:00am PeeWee Soccer Officials JR Rutledge & Sam Knapp
  10:45am PeeWee Soccer Officials JR Rutledge & Sam Knapp
  Emerson Field - Left Field
  8:30am JV Soccer Officials Chris Lewis & Levi Dillon
  9:30am JV Soccer Officials Chris Lewis & Levi Dillon
  10:30am Varsity Soccer Officials Chris Lewis & Zachary Bryant
        11:30am Varsity Soccer Officials Chris Lewis & Zachary Bryant
Sunday, September 22nd
Ash Youth Center
1:00-6:00pm Supervisor Mike Bromley  
1:00-5:00pm Lifeguards Ashtyn O'Kane & Braye Webb        


Next Week's Work Schedule (September 23-29, 2024)

Monday, September 23rd
Ash Youth Center ARCO Sports Complex
5:00-9:00pm Supervisor Eugene Barker 5:30-8:30pm Supervisor Cain Carpenter
  5:30-8:30pm Concessions Lily Sandon
  Emerson Field - Right Field West
  6:00pm PW Flag Football Officials Cain Carpenter & Hayden Smith
  6:45pm PW Flag Football Officials Cain Carpenter & Hayden Smith
  7:30pm JV Flag Football Officials Cain Carpenter & Hayden Smith
    Emerson Field - 1st Base Field
  6:00pm Itty Bitty Soccer Official Kaylie Stanek
  6:30pm Itty Bitty Soccer Official Kaylie Stanek
        7:00pm Itty Bitty Soccer Official Kaylie Stanek
Tuesday, September 24th
Ash Youth Center ARCO Sports Complex
5:00-9:00pm Supervisor Mike Bromley 5:00-8:30pm Supervisor Nick McBride
5:30-9:00pm Concessions Kamden Pearson 5:00-8:30pm Concessions Jayden Kiister
Ash Youth Center Gym Emerson Field - Right Field East
6:00pm Junior Volleyball Official Sydnee Jackson 6:00pm PeeWee Soccer Officials Zack Scott & Bella Etter
6:45pm Senior Volleyball Official Sydnee Jackson 6:45pm PeeWee Soccer Officials Zack Scott & Bella Etter
7:30pm Senior Volleyball Official Sydnee Jackson Emerson Field - 3rd Base Field
8:15pm Senior Volleyball Official Sydnee Jackson 6:00pm Itty Bitty Soccer Official Lily Phillippi
  6:30pm Itty Bitty Soccer Official Lily Phillippi
  7:00pm Itty Bitty Soccer Official Lily Phillippi
Emerson Field - Left Field
  5:30pm JV Soccer Officials Easton Morris & Rayden Browning
  6:30pm JV Soccer Officials Easton Morris & Rayden Browning
  7:30pm Varsity Soccer Officials Easton Morris & Rayden Browning
  Volunteer Field
        6:00pm Buddy Ball Gloria Price & ICC Softball Team
Wednesday, September 25th
Ash Youth Center ARCO Sports Complex
5:00-9:00pm Supervisor Mike Bromley 5:00-8:30pm Supervisor Cain Carpenter
  5:00-8:30pm Concessions Lily Phillippi
  Emerson Field - Right Field West
  6:00pm PW Flag Football Officials Cain Carpenter & Hayden Smith
  6:45pm PW Flag Football Officials Cain Carpenter & Hayden Smith
  7:30pm JV Flag Football Officials Cain Carpenter & Hayden Smith
  Emerson Field - 1st Base Field
  6:00pm Itty Bitty Soccer Official Sam Knapp
  6:30pm Itty Bitty Soccer Official Sam Knapp
        7:00pm Itty Bitty Soccer Official Sam Knapp
Thursday, September 26th
Ash Youth Center ARCO Sports Complex
5:00-9:00pm Supervisor Eugene Barker 5:00-8:30pm Supervisor Nick McBride & Micah Dozier
5:30-9:00pm Concessions Kamden Pearson 5:00-8:30pm Concessions Lily Sandon & JD Woodburn
Ash Youth Center Gym Emerson Field - Right Field East
6:00pm Junior Volleyball Official Sydnee Jackson 6:00pm PeeWee Soccer Officials Kaylie Stanek & Reece Giles
6:45pm Junior Volleyball Official Sydnee Jackson 6:45pm PeeWee Soccer Officials Kaylie Stanek & Reece Giles
7:30pm Senior Volleyball Official Sydnee Jackson Emerson Field - 3rd Base Field
8:15pm Senior Volleyball Official Sydnee Jackson 6:00pm Itty Bitty Soccer Official Lily Phillippi
  6:30pm Itty Bitty Soccer Official Lily Phillippi
  7:00pm Itty Bitty Soccer Official Lily Phillippi
  Emerson Field - Left Field
  5:30pm JV Soccer Officials Easton Morris & Levi Dillon
  6:30pm Varsity Soccer Officials Easton Morris & Micah Dozier
        7:30pm Varsity Soccer Officials Easton Morris & Micah Dozier
Friday, September 27th
Ash Youth Center
Saturday, September 28th
Ash Youth Center ARCO Sports Complex
1:00-9:00pm Supervisor Paula Ballew 8am-12:30pm Supervisor Dominique Mendoza
1:00-5:00pm Lifeguards Kamdyn Pearson & Mia Cope 8am-12:30pm Concessions Lucas Frederiksen
  Emerson Field - Left Field
  8:30am JV Soccer Officials JR Rutledge & Levi Dillon
  9:30am JV Soccer Officials JR Rutledge & Levi Dillon
  10:30am Varsity Soccer Officials JR Rutledge & Rayden Browning
        11:30am Varsity Soccer Officials JR Rutledge & Rayden Browning
Sunday, September 29th
Ash Youth Center
1:00-6:00pm Supervisor Cain Carpenter  
1:00-5:00pm Lifeguards Braye Webb & Ashtyn O'Kane        

Ash Youth Center Contact

Phone: (620) 331-0260

Fax: (620) 331-3495

Office Hours: 9am-5pm, Mon-Fri


Riverside Beach Contact

Hotline: (620) 577-5085
Phone: (620) 577-5113


Riverside Beach Employees Work Schedule


Looking for employment?  We have seasonal jobs available for officials, concessions, scorekeepers, and pool staff.  Come by the Ash Youth Center and pick up an application today.